Unable to Sign-in to WebEx PT/WebEx Assistant or Launch WebEx Meetings

Those of you, who have upgraded their CWMS environments to version 2.7(1), please note that there was a change in the way this new version of WebEx is dealing with TLS Support. TLS 1.0 is no longer supported. “Big deal!”, you say, as TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2 and even the draft of TLS 1.3 are all out with the first two being widely supported. But then you get a user who, on a day after the upgrade to a newer version of CWMS, complains that he/she is unable to login to WebEx Assistant (a.k.a. WebEx Productivity Tools), getting the following error:

WebEx Assistant "The system is having difficulty processing your request"

The system is having difficulty processing your request. Try again a little later.

The user can login to the CWMS site, but is unable to join an existing meeting or launch a new one, getting the following error:

WebEx "Setup was unsuccessful. Please try again"

Setup was unsuccessful. Please try again.

Error [5]

Note: I’ve also seen “Error [103]” and “Error [104]” codes.

If this wasn’t enough, the user may also see this when attempting to use WebEx PT from within Outlook:

WebEx PT Cannot Access your WebEx site now

Cannot access your WebEx site now. Try again later.

The solution is to enable TLS 1.1 (and TLS 1.2, for that matter) under “Advanced” tab of IE’s Internet Options:

Internet Explorer Advanced Options TLS

The settings will take immediate effect, allowing the user to login to WebEx Assistant and launch/join a WebEx meeting.

Hope this helps someone.

Unable to Share Screen in CWMS

Another day, another bug: there have been reports from WebEx users that they are no longer able to share their screen or individual applications in WebEx meetings. There are no errors, no pop-ups – no indication whatsoever – when you click on the Share button, nothing happens. This is a bug identified in Bug Tracker as CSCuv36151 and affects CWMS 2.5 releases up to and including MR5.

To confirm if the workstation is affected, launch the command prompt to quickly find out whether Microsoft update KB3069392 is installed by typing in the following command:

wmic qfe | find “3069392”

If you have it installed, the output would indicate the installation date of the update and you can quickly find it under the “Installed Updates” to uninstall it.


You can also try to uninstall the update from the elevated command prompt.

First, find the package name:

DISM.exe /online /get-packages /format:table

Second, remove the package:

DISM.exe /Online /Remove-Package /PackageName:Package_for_KB3069392~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ /quiet /norestart

Cisco has released a patch for its MR5 on July 19th, 2015, which is available on CCO for download. Refer to the readme notes for this patch to ensure that it is installed properly (you must upgrade to MR5 prior to appying the MR5 Patch 1).

Good luck!